Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pecha-Kucha Night

Last night I attend Pecha-Kucha Night at the Powerhouse Arts Centre/Museum in Brisbane. The basic concept is that a series of presenters discuss their topic in the format of 20 slides x 20 seconds each. Last night I saw some joyful kinetic art, the launch of the Park(ing) Space project for Brisbane, a stonemason/architect who creates modern art headstones, a furniture designer who works with bamboo, and a number of other ideas and artists that I most probably wouldn't have been exposed to.

I'm looking forward to checking out these evenings when I get back to Shanghai. Pecha-Kucha nights are held in cities all over the world, and they're a fantastic opportunity to be exposed to creative and innovative thinking and people.

Check out the ever-expanding list of cities/events at the Pecha-Kucha website.